The Slippery Slope Mac OS

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  1. The Slippery Slope Book
  2. The Slippery Slope Summary

Slippery Slopes's name is a reference to the logical argument of similar name. The quest itself is a reference to the old PC game SkiFree, a simple game in which the player controls a skier avoiding obstacles on a mountain slope. It is often remembered for its Abominable Snow Monster, which pursues the player after they finish a full run. The slippery slope in this example is the chain of events that you think will follow if you give your friend James a piece of gum. A breakdown of the sequence of events: If you give James a piece, then everyone else will see The First Step down the Slippery Slope Then, if everyone else sees, they will also ask for gum. Down the Slope.

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UKnowledge > J. David Rosenberg College of Law > Law Faculty Publications > Law Faculty Scholarly Articles > 459




E.J. Graff has documented how any change in the marriage rules inevitably leads to predications of apocalyptic cries warning of 'death of marriage and civilization itself.' The conservative fit over the possibility of the social acceptance of same-sex marriage therefore has an ancient if repetitive script. Still, the 'threat' of same-sex marriage poses for conservatives at least one atypical wrinkle. Unlike discussions of equal or even greater rancor, that raging over same-sex marriage forces its opponents to treat with special delicacy. Mahjong roadshow mac os. In the case of abortion, opponents are able to argue in absolute terms: abortion is wrong, period, even if law requires that it be tolerated in some specific circumstances such as rape, incest, or health of the mother. Same-sex marriage, however, requires its opponents to target their arguments toward the 'same-sex' qualifier without in any impugning 'marriage' itself. They must assume the difficult position of arguing simultaneously that marriage is an incomparable social good that must also be utterly denied to an entire class of persons due to their constitutional natures. Such targeting -- if it can be conscientiously accomplished at all -- necessitates more sophisticated argumentation than that deployed in abortion arguments.

One such special tactic is the slippery slope argument. In its crudest form, the argument opposes same-sex marriage on the ground that if that is allowed, then how could be not also allow other forms of deviant sexual practices. The trinity of deviant forms invariably conjured includes polygamy, incest, and bestiality. This Article concentrates on the first, polygamy.

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Publication Date

The Slippery Slope Book

August 2002

Repository Citation

Donovan, James M., 'Rock-Salting the Slippery Slope: Why Same-Sex Marriage is Not a Commitment to Polygamous Marriage' (2002). Law Faculty Scholarly Articles. 459.

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The Slippery Slope Summary

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